After much thought we have decided not to reopen the fishery for Trout fishing for the foreseeable future.
The Bellbrook Cup 2016 Heat 1
Bellbrook Cup 2016
We are pleased to report that the 2016 Bellbrook Cup got under way at the weekend with the first heat taking place on Sunday. The winner on the day was Tim James with 5 out of a possible 6 fish putting Tim at the top of the leader board.
It was a difficult day’s fishing by our normal standards but even so the 11 anglers managed 35 fish in total. Most fish were caught on imitative nymph patterns on a slow retrieve – not always the easiest thing to do in the heat of a competition!
Numbers are already up on last year but there is still time to enter - we have about 10 places left so anyone interested should contact Chris on 01398 351292. There are 5 more heats to fish, 22nd May, 12th June, Sept 25th, Oct 16th and November 6th and the final is 27th of November.
More details of the event can be found at :-