We’ve had a colder slightly more windy week with plenty of hard showers which definitely had an effect on numbers at the fishery. However that just meant more fish for the hardy souls who...
Fishing week ending 6th December 2015
Better conditions on the weekend finally. Had some good sport with a range of flies producing.
Ian Nadin of Collumpton caiught his 5 fish limit on the normals with a total bag of 11 - 8 mostly caught on the drop using a Hairs Ear.
4 seasoned anglers from Plymouth all caught their limit on Sunday - fishing a Rover Lite (1 specimen and two normals) the best bag went to Keith Howard with 12 - 6 with a strong 6 - 6 from the specimen. The best fish they caught on the specimen lake went to J Honey of Tiverton catching a 7lb rainbow on a Damsel Nymph - his toal bag was 11 - 8.